Plc Convertor, a powerfull product created by Remy EGEA, it can help you to convert PT100 value to a resistance in Ohms.
Feel free to download this software, it's free to dowload and to use.
The E-Connect is one of our most important and powerfull product. It able you to manage your full filling plant only by one giant screen ! You can have, tracability, data, access to pump panel, and all the filling systems !
The Mixfill system is the best filling system ever made for mixture ! You can fill up to 8 gases mixture. And you can enjoy the best technologie of TOP-Filling ! No need to empty your cylinder, stop loosing time, stop vent all to the atmosphere, save the planet and save your money !
The tankfill is our product to fill the cylinders of CO2 or/and N2O. Made for 4 filling stations for your cylinders (by weight or flowmeter)
The Monofill system is the best to fill the your monogas receipe, really simple and fast, you can do whatever you want with it ! The monofill calculate the cylinder temperature from the ambient temp and presure variation ! You can also have a really special option to fill a second gas if needed !
The Pump panel is perfect to manage your tank of any gases and to perfectly fit the filling of your cylinders. Using a Frequency invertor, our pump panel can fully manage the speed of the pump, it can also manage the level and the pressure of the tank, that can help you to know your needs !
The Stopramp calculate the cylinders temperature and deduct the end presure for the filling.
Optionnal : Optimisation for the Helium filling using a compressor, up to 6 buffers as a source
The perfect system to fill cryogenic tanks by low temperature detecture on the vent.
It is able to manage 4 stations on 1 control panel
Plc Convertor, a powerfull product created by Remy EGEA, it can help you to convert PT100 value to a resistance in Ohms.
Feel free to download this software, it's free to dowload and to use.
By using the Top Filling on mixture by flowmeter, our customers win 10% of product on all the filling and up to 40% of production time!
For the safety, all the control of sensors permit to have to maximum safety on the process control.
You can also have a full tracability on our systems, and also automatic report for medical, industrial, food and special applications
Most of the time, there is no stop on production, we can install the systems during weekend with a very short period for switching your old installation to the new one.
With our latest technology of communication, we have more than 650 communications protocols, there is always a way to communicate (If the old systems are okay for this)
No need to worry ! Plc Process are expert in the gas domain. Feel free to contact us directly by email to present us your needs and we will answer you with the best recommandations !
If needed for hydrogene for exemple, we can provide you all our systems for atex zone, Plc Process have the ineris agreement level 2 !
We are also partner with Weidmüller for all our ATEX interface
Les Payroulies F-12700 Asprières France
Tel : +33 5 65 63 83 50 / +33 6 80 08 44 60
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